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Premium Occult, not Adult, Content and Services

Founded by Silas Buckley,

Pastor Juju Productions tells stories about the occult. 


Our content is at once authentic, entertaining, and responsible in it's portrayal of practices, while almost all but forgotten, are as much a part of the human experience as Life, Death, Love & Luck.

We work at the Crossroads where fiction and non fiction meet, where the physical, the psychological, and the metaphysical brush against one another.





Supernatural, mystical, or magical beliefs, practices, or phenomena.



Crossroads represent a location "between the worlds" and, as such, a site where supernatural spirits can be contacted and paranormal events take place. Symbolically, it can mean a locality where two realms touch and therefore represents liminality, a place literally "neither here nor there," "betwixt and between."

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